Author Archives: arjan

Doubting with conviction sounds a bit like bluffing. I have always liked playing cards, but there was not much poker in my teenage years in Eindhoven. We played 'a game called 'toepen'. Before class, during class and after class. I can even remember that we walked from one classroom to the next to play a game... ...Read More

A person likes to destroy something, there is a dark pleasure in damage. Yes, he also likes to rebuild, but the destructive forces seem stronger. Images of destruction absorb your attention. Often an exclamation of dismay follows, but that sounds more like a lame excuse. We are attracted to hell and damnation... ...Read More

Once upon a time at the art academy I was taught observational drawing. The most beautiful and valuable part of the education. Because what else can a person do than observe. That is what gives this organism its refinement. Everything comes in through the senses. My teacher on duty had me look at a simple cup and pointed out the invisible back. If I could draw that, I could draw the entire cup... ...Read More